I know that words have been spoken out loud so much that they have lost
their value, but my word is linked to what I feel, and I feel you.
Truly, madly, deeply in love with you, for no special reason because
none is necessary. You may not believe me, I may not have proven it so
far, but I am working on it, I'm gonna show you how I love, and it is
gonna hit you so hard, you will never feel alone again. So come away
with me, come away with me and we'll kiss on a mountaintop come away
with me and I'll never stop loving you..
Memory of a time
All I have learnt in the life of a kid
Is that time is the most valuable thing..
And we just watch it passing by, destroying memories
And living by simple theories.
It is never too late and never too soon,
You learn you can love the "once in a blue moon"s
And meanwhile, you will see that you were mine
And it will not all just be a memory of a time.
Déjà vu
Simti cum se apropie din nou, stii ca e rau, stii ca vei rani pe cineva, dar nu te opresti. De ce vrei sa faci rau? De ce esti atat de egoista? Nu mai incerca degeaba sa iti impui sa iubesti. Daca tu nu simti nimic, nu-i amagi pe ceilalti. Vei iubi candva, dar acum, macar nu mai zambi cu seninatate, nu le mai consuma afectiunea. Esti dependenta, dependenta de iubire, dar nu stii sa oferi deloc. Pleaca!
Nu meriti sa fii iubita.
Nu meriti sa fii iubita.
I'm in love with the idea of love and that makes me a horrible person. I've had true love, and I threw it away. And it was not just that. I tortured a heart, I lied and I didn't even know about that. I used to think that feeling unloved is the worst feeling, but it's not. To be loved and to be unable to love back, that's the worst feeling. I need to learn to love; truly, deeply, madly..someone. Not a feeling, but a person. Help.
The circle of life
I've come to the conclusion that even if you try so hard to keep people near you, they go further away. What really hurts is that you were wrong to keep them with you in the first place. "You have to let them go. If they come back to you, they are yours forever, if they don't, they were never yours to begin with." I was never a person to go with the wind, I just let it take me to where it wants to go. But it seems that, in the end, even if you were never aware of this fact, you were the one to tell the wind where to go. And just like this, you were never aware of the fact that the people near you, the ones you loved the most, had something difficult in their lives, and you did nothing to help. And then you blame yourself, but you realize that there was nothing you could have done and you start feeling better about yourself. You meet new people, you give them your love and they give their love to you. And you become closer and closer, you love them the most. And then, it happens again: you come to the conclusion that even if you try so hard to keep people near you, they go further away. (Repeat until you're out of breath)
Polemic, premeditat si antagonic.
Am dificultati in a face alegeri, in a lua decizii. Obisnuiam sa fac totul la intamplare, dupa instinct. Acum ma gandesc de 2 ori cand aleg ceva, in ce masura ii afecteaza pe altii, in ce masura ma afecteaza pe mine. Aleg uneori, insa, sa mai merg pe stradute laturalnice, dupa instinct. Sunt stradute intunecate, aproape fara niciun pic de pietris pe care sa mergi. Dar sunt stradute ce ma atrag, tocmai pentru ca sunt scufundate in necunoscut.. si vreau sa-l descopar. Era frumos cand il descopeream cu el, dar a ales sa mearga pe un alt drum, unul cu lumini, unul cu siguranta. M-a refuzat, galant, incercand sa ma ia cu el. Dar in incapatanarea mea, deloc negativa as putea adauga, aveam sa raman pe drumul meu. Si, bineinteles, asta ne-a indepartat. Ne deosebesc multe, foarte multe, dar ne lega un lucru, nu stiu sa-l numesc. Era ceva intre noi ce ne tinea pe acelasi drum. Nu am fost niciodata tipul femeii trofeu, eu nu sunt o fata pe care sa o vrei pentru trupul ei frumos, cu forme perfecte. Eu sunt o fata pe care o vrei pentru misterul din jurul ei, si nu ma daruiesc celor care nu ma merita. Problema nu a fost ca el nu ma merita, ci eu nu il meritam pe el.
Affichez vos couleurs.
Sunt momente cand doar muzica iti este aproape, cand doar ea te poate scoate dintr-o stare in care esti cazut(a) de prea mult timp. Nu stiu de ce, dar muzica pare sa devina cea mai buna prietena a mea. Si melodia asta ma face sa zambesc mereu, no matter what. De aceea vreau sa o impartasesc cu voi.
A child's soul
When we were kids we used to believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Toothfairy. We used to pretend to be anything, anyone. We lived in a fairytale, and it was amazing. The reason for which children will always be happier than grown ups is that they have faith. We always look for something to believe in, to hope for, something to guide us. Why do we stop searching? Why is curiosity leaving us? Everything is supposed to be brighter, to make more sense, but it just doesn't. I start to think that a kid will always see life as it is: beautiful, intense, simple, yet surprizing. No, I'm not a grown up, I just think that this is what happens. Yes, I love being a child. I hope I'll stay like this as long as possible, because I know that even if I change, inside of me will always be a child's soul :)
People will fall in love with the mystery that surrounds you, it always happens like this. There is something about a mysterious person that attracts the others; that type of smile which says "You will never know me, sweetie". But once they will see the real you, most of them will be scared, or disgusted, they will run. If you ever have the guts to reveal the inner you, the true one, you will have to take care to whom you will reveal. The ones that will fall in love with YOU are the people to keep around you, forever..or for as long as you can keep them.
Lady in red
I've dreamt of myself in a ruby red dress, surrounded by men, true
men, not boys.. They were all just shadows, but by the way they were
acting you could say that they were charmed. As every men came closer
and asked for a dance, my flawlessly red lips would automatically say
no, as they were bound to just one man. And that man was there. I could
see his face among all the shadows. I was atracted to his smile as the
moth flies towards the light. He took my hand and, as the music
started, he got closer and whispered in my ear. "I've never seen you
looking so lovely as you did tonight, never seen you shine so bright.
I've never seen so many men asking you if you wanted to dance. And when
you turned to me and smiled, it took my breath away. Oh, the lady in
red is dancing with me, and it's right were I want to be. And I know so
well this beauty by my side." He then pressed his lips against mine in
a kiss that seemed to last forever.. "I love you" said he to me then.
And the image was foggy and it started to fade away while the music
would go on and on and on, like the dream wanted to come right to
reality. And it did.
Daca m-ar fi intrebat cineva ce cred despre regret, i-as fi spus ca pentru mine acel sentiment este inutil. Obisnuiam sa cred ca o data ce faci o greseala, iti ceri scuze si treci peste acel moment. Regretul nu avea nicio implicare in acest proces. Acum stiu ca nu poti face nimic fara regret. Greselile sunt parti din noi si trebuie sa invatam din ele. Trebuie sa ne asumam responsabilitatea pentru orice actiune desfasuram. Regretul este bun, sanatos, important. Acum cred cu tarie ca este un sentiment normal, un sentiment al tutror oamenilor. Sau cel putin al meu..
I, book
I talk a lot about myself. Even if everythig I say is true, it doesn't
say that much about me. I have always felt like I was an open book, but
it was a special one. I am a book written in both ink and braille. Those
who see and search with their eyes will see the ink-me, the surface,
not less of who I am. But those who search with their soul, those who
feel what I am, those will see the deeper me, the braille-me, the one I
truly am. Those are the people I love, those are who love me.
Am lasat uitarii blogul acesta si am lasat uitarii scrisul. Mi-e dor de micutele postari pe care le faceam aici si vreau sa revin. Nu o sa scriu zilnic, nici nu stiu daca ma urmareste cineva, nici nu stiu cati vor vedea postarile acestea, dar nu asta conteaza. Conteaza ca imi doresc sa scriu pe blog din pure motive personale (mi-e lene sa imi cumpar un caiet in care sa imi scriu jurnalul).